Central MorleyIAS® VSN Park™ de 2/4 Zonas (Portugués)//MorleyIAS® VSN Park™ 2/4 Zones Panel (Portuguese)
Ref.: VSN-PARK2-PCentral de detección de monóxido de carbono de 2 zonas (hasta 32 detectores direccionables). Ampliable a 3 zonas (hasta 48 detectores…//Carbon monoxide detection panel of 2 zone (Up to 32 directionable detectors), expandable to 3 zones (48 directionable detectors) or 4 zones (64 directionable detectors) through VP-200 two zones module. Identify each connected device indicating the individual signal of each selected device in maintenance mode and indicate faillure communication in case of lost of devices. These devices are provided with an automatic direction function. Allows spur installation. Batteries not required. Design in according with UNE23.300/84 standard.
608,40 €
No hay accesorios disponibles para este producto.//No accessories available for this product. |
Panel MULTISCAN® de 4 Zonas - Carril DIN//4-Zone MULTISCAN® Panel - DIN Rail
Central UTC™ GST® De Extinción de Gas//UTC™ GST® Gas Extinguishing Control Panel
Central UTC™ GST® De Extinción de Gas Direccionable//UTC™ GST® Addressable Gas Extinguishing Control Panel
Central KILSEN® de Detección de CO para Aparcamientos - 1 Zona//KILSEN® Carbon Monoxide Detection Panels for Parking - 1 Zone