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Trípode ARGUSA® TR-8203 en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8203 Tripod in AISI 304

Ref.: 1T01020122203

Torniquete trípode sencillo, para el control de entradas y salidas en instalaciones sencillas mediante un sistema mecánico o eléctrico. Carrocería de acero inox. AISI-304 de 1.5 mm de espesor y acabado satinado. Pedestal soporte en negro. Tapa superior practicable con bisagras de sujeción, cerrada bajo llave de seguridad, por la que se accede al mecanismo de funcionamiento bidireccional, con un sistema de posicionamiento y amortiguación del brazo. Alimentación a 230 V 50/60 Hz.//Single tripod turnstile, for entry and exit control of persons in public enclosures, designed specially to be installed inside a bus due to its reduced dimensions. Structure formed by a rectangular tube pedestal support made from painted steel, with its upper section and arms made of AISI-304 stainless steel. Pedestal Support tube painte carbon steel. Standard colour: Black. Security lock, which is accessed by the mechanism. Bidirectional operation, with a positioning system and damping of the arm. Electronic control panel for user with 230 V 50/60 Hz. Power supply. Operational voltage 24 V.

Trípode ARGUSA® TR-8203 en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8203 Tripod in AISI 304
Fabricación Bajo Pedido //Produced on Request

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0,52 €
Ref.: SIG-P...

0,52 €
Ref.: SIG-P...

0,52 €
Ref.: SCREE...

0,52 €
Ref.: SCREE...



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