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Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A Rotatory Gate (AISI 304)

Ref.: 1T02020122202

Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 4 brazos a 90º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 4 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 90° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height. Bidirectional.

Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A Rotatory Gate (AISI 304)
Fabricación Bajo Pedido //Produced on Request

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No hay accesorios disponibles para este producto.//No accessories available for this product.

0,52 €
Ref.: SIG-P...

0,52 €
Ref.: SIG-P...

0,52 €
Ref.: SCREE...

0,52 €
Ref.: SCREE...



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