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Interfono AIPHONE™ GT-1A//AIPHONE™ GT-1A Audio Only Tenant Station

Ref.: I176AL

Intercomunicador principal sólo audio manos libres. Alimentación 24 VDC (Desde Módulo GT-BC). Dimensiones: 155 x 101 x 31.75 mm.//The GT-1A is used to communicate with a person at a GT entrance panel. The unit features a large Push-to-Talk button, security guard call, door release button, and a call tone volume control. Up to 500 stations can be used in a system.

Interfono AIPHONE™ GT-1A//AIPHONE™ GT-1A Audio Only Tenant Station
Fabricación Bajo Pedido //Produced on Request

101,14 €

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Métodos de pago // Payments Methods

No hay accesorios disponibles para este producto.//No accessories available for this product.

Inter. Analógica//Analog Inter.
72,79 €
Ref.: I176MM

Inter. Analógica//Analog Inter.
10,71 €
Ref.: I244C2

Inter. Analógica//Analog Inter.
11,12 €
Ref.: I244C3

Inter. Analógica//Analog Inter.
18,96 €
Ref.: I176CE



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