Sirena Direccionable MorleyIAS®//MorleyIAS® Addressable Sounder
Sirena y Flash Direccionable MorleyIAS®//MorleyIAS® Addressable Sounder and Flash
Zócalo IP65 con Base para Sirenas y Flashes NOTIFIER®//NOTIFIER® IP65 Socket with Base for Sounders and Flashes
Zócalo con Base para Sirenas y Flashes NOTIFIER®//NOTIFIER® Socket with Base for Sounders and Flashes
Base NOTIFIER® de Detector con Sirena y Flash//NOTIFIER® Base for Detector with Sounder and Flash
Base NOTIFIER® de Detector con Sirena//NOTIFIER® Base for Detector with Sounder
Flash NOTIFIER® Direccionable (Clase C, W)//NOTIFIER® Directionable Flash(Class C, W)
Flash NOTIFIER® Direccionable (Categoría O)//NOTIFIER® Directionable Flash (O Category)
Sirena NOTIFIER® con Flash Direccionable//NOTIFIER® Sounder with Directionable Flash
Sirena NOTIFIER® Direccionable//NOTIFIER® Directionable Sounder
Sirena Multi-Tono KILSEN® con Flash Estroboscópico Rojo IP66//KILSEN® Multi-Tone Sounder with Red Strobe Light IP66
Letrero de "FUEGO" para Sirena//"FIRE" Sign for Sounder
Sirena de Incendio KILSEN® Multi-Tono Blanca de Pared//KILSEN® White Multi-Tone Fire Sounder for Wall
Sirena de Incendio KILSEN® Multi-Tono Roja de Pared//KILSEN® Red Multi-Tone Fire Sounder for Wall
Sirena de Incendio KILSEN® Multi-Tono Blanca de Techo//KILSEN® White Multi-Tone Fire Alarm for ceiling
Sirena de Incendio KILSEN® Multi-Tono Roja//KILSEN® Red Multi-Tone Fire Sounder