Interfaz Smart Touch™ de AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS® (110VAC)// AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS® Smart Touch™ Interface (110VAC)
El producto Smart Touch ofrece una solución simple y elegante para gestionar de forma remota, a través de una red Ethernet, una o dos zonas de equipos de control de acceso. Se presenta en forma de panel PC de 10 pulgadas con pantalla táctil que ofrece una representación clara de la instalación mediante varias imágenes. La interfaz Smart Touch permite vigilar de forma remota una o dos zonas, y hasta 10 pasillos por zona. Smart Touch permite, entre otras cosas:(1) agregar o quitar equipos; (2) elegir el modo de funcionamiento en ambas direcciones de paso; (3) conceder una o más autorizaciones de paso por un equipo específico; (4) activar el modo evacuación en todo el sitio; (5) visualizar las alarmas y los fallos técnicos. El acceso a esta aplicación está bloqueado mediante usuario y contraseña y cuenta con dos niveles de acceso según el tipo de usuario (administrador u operador), que ofrecen diferentes niveles de funciones.//The Smart Touch product offers a simple and elegant solution to manage remotely, through an Ethernet network, one or two zones of access control equipment. It is presented in the form of a 10-inch PC panel with a touch screen that offers a clear representation of the installation through several images. The Smart Touch interface allows you to remotely monitor one or two zones, and up to 10 aisles per zone. Smart Touch allows, among other things: (1) add or remove equipment; (2) choose the operating mode in both directions of passage; (3) grant one or more authorizations to pass through a specific team; (4) activate evacuation mode throughout the site; (5) visualize alarms and technical failures. Access to this application is blocked by username and password and has two levels of access depending on the type of user (administrator or operator), which offer different levels of functions.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-A en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8216-A Rotatory Gate (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-A en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8216-A Rotatory Gate (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-D en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8216-D Rotatory Gates (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical doble, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Double Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-D en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8216-D Rotatory Gates (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical doble, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Double Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A Rotatory Gate (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 4 brazos a 90º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 4 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 90° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8216-4A Rotatory Gate (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 4 brazos a 90º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate.Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 4 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 90° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step.Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-4D en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8216-4D Rotatory Gates (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical doble, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 4 brazos a 90º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Double Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 4 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 90° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8216-4D en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8216-4D Rotatory Gates (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical doble, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 4 brazos a 90º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Altura cuerpo completo.//Double Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 4 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 90° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8217 en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8217 Rotatory Gate (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 4 brazos a 90º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base cuadrada. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 4 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 90° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Square base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8217 en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8217 Rotatory Gate (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 4 brazos a 90º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base cuadrada. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 4 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 90° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Square base. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8220 en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8220 Rotatory Gate (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Brazos de metarilato. Placas de protección laterales. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Methacrylate arms. Protective side plates. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8220 en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8220 Rotatory Gate (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Brazos de metarilato. Placas de protección laterales. Altura cuerpo completo.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Methacrylate arms. Protective side plates. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8220-D en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8220-D Rotatory Gates (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical doble, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Brazos de metarilato. Placas de protección laterales. Altura cuerpo completo.//Double Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 33 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Methacrylate arms. Protective side plates. Full height. Bidirectional.
Molinete ARGUSA® TR-8220-D en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8220-D Rotatory Gates (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical doble, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Brazos de metarilato. Placas de protección laterales. Altura cuerpo completo.//Double Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 33 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Methacrylate arms. Protective side plates. Full height. Bidirectional.
Aspa Giratoria ARGUSA® TR-8300 en AISI 304//ARGUSA® TR-8300 Vane or Turning Arm (AISI 304)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Brazos de metarilato. Placas de protección laterales. Media altura.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-304 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Methacrylate arms. Protective side plates. Medium height. Bidirectional.
Aspa Giratoria ARGUSA® TR-8300 en AISI 316//ARGUSA® TR-8300 Vane or Turning Arm (AISI 316)
Molinete vertical sencillo, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico BIDIRECCIONAL, con aspa giratoria de 3 brazos a 120º. No incluye pictogramas indicactivos, ni mecanizado para alojar lectores. Para instalación de pictogramas y/o adaptación de lectores, consultar accesorios. Base circular. Brazos de metarilato. Placas de protección laterales. Media altura.//Simple Rotatory Gate. Structure in AISI-316 mm thick rectangular and rounded satin finish stainless steel tube. 3 blades that are moved by the user (operation electromechanical) to go through a rotation of 120° having a system buffer and positioning always leaves the space ready for a new step. Polished gloss finish. It does not include indicative pictograms or machining to accommodate readers. Installation of pictograms and / or adaptation of readers, see accessories. Circular base. Methacrylate arms. Protective side plates. Medium height. Bidirectional.
Mecanizado ARGUSA® PCO-RSV3/1 en AISI 304//ARGUSA® PCO-RSV3/1 Motor-Driven Sliding Gate (AISI 304)
Mueble extremo para pasillo/portillo automático. 1, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico bidireccional, panel corredero de ancho estandar de cristal security de 10 mm de espesor (color transparente), altura 900 mm. Incluye mecanizado para alojar lector estandar y pictograma indicativo. Sistema anti-pánico, con apertura del pasillo en caso de emergencia. Para pasillo de ancho estándar.//High transit control sliding gate. End unit for hall / gate automatic. 1, bodywork in AISI-304 1.5 mm thick burnished finish stainless steel plate. Bidirectional electric system. Concealable safety-glass sliding panels, 10 mm thick (transparent colour). 900 mm High. Illuminated signage pictograms showing the operation of the sliding gates. Mechanism adapted to a determined operation, with a positioning and damping system for the panel, with a safety system in case of emergency. For standard sliding gate.
Mecanizado ARGUSA® PCO-RSV3/1 en AISI 316//ARGUSA® PCO-RSV3/1 Motor-Driven Sliding Gate (AISI 316)
Mueble extremo para pasillo/portillo automático. 1, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-316, funcionamiento eléctrico bidireccional, panel corredero de ancho estandar de cristal security de 10 mm de espesor (color transparente), altura 900 mm. Incluye mecanizado para alojar lector estandar y pictograma indicativo. Sistema anti-pánico, con apertura del pasillo en caso de emergencia. Para pasillo de ancho estándar.//High transit control sliding gate. End unit for hall / gate automatic. 1, bodywork in AISI-316 1.5 mm thick burnished finish stainless steel plate. Bidirectional electric system. Concealable safety-glass sliding panels, 10 mm thick (transparent colour). 900 mm High. Illuminated signage pictograms showing the operation of the sliding gates. Mechanism adapted to a determined operation, with a positioning and damping system for the panel, with a safety system in case of emergency. For standard sliding gate.
Mecanizado ARGUSA® PCO-RSV3/2 en AISI 304//ARGUSA® PCO-RSV3/2 Motor-Driven Sliding Gate (AISI 304)
Mueble intermedio para pasillo/portillo automático. 1, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI-304, funcionamiento eléctrico bidireccional, paneles correderos de ancho estandar de cristal security de 10 mm de espesor (color transparente), altura 900 mm. Incluye mecanizado para alojar lector estandar y pictograma indicativo. Sistema anti-pánico, con apertura del pasillo en caso de emergencia. Para pasillo de ancho estándar.//High transit control sliding gate. Intermediate unit for hall / gate automatic. 1, bodywork in AISI-304 1.5 mm thick burnished finish stainless steel plate. Bidirectional electric system. Concealable safety-glass sliding panels, 10 mm thick (transparent colour). 900 mm High. Illuminated signage pictograms showing the operation of the sliding gates. Mechanism adapted to a determined operation, with a positioning and damping system for the panel, with a safety system in case of emergency. For standard sliding gate.