Retenedor de Pared HONEYWELL™ de 850N con Caja y Pulsador para Puerta Cortafuego//HONEYWELL™ 850N Wall Retainer with Box and Push Button for Fire Door
Rótula de Recambio para Retenedores HONEYWELL™ de 400N//Replacement Ball Joint for HONEYWELL™ 400N Retainers
Rótula de Recambio para Retenedores HONEYWELL™ de 850N//Replacement Ball Joint for HONEYWELL™ 850N Retainers
Sensor de Impacto HONEYWELL™ Viper GL//HONEYWELL™ Viper GL Shock Sensor
Sensor de Impacto HONEYWELL™ Viper GLX//HONEYWELL™ Viper GLX Shock Sensor
Sensor Inercial HONEYWELL™ SD-3//Sensor Inercial HONEYWELL™ SD-3
Sirena Blanca HONEYWELL™ Vía Radio EN54/3/25//HONEYWELL™ Via Radio EN54 / 3/25 White Sounder
Sirena Direccionable con Base MorleyIAS®//MorleyIAS® Addressable Sounder with Base
Sirena Direccionable MorleyIAS®//MorleyIAS® Addressable Sounder
Sirena Electrónica KAC® Ex ia IP65//KAC® Ex ia IP65 Electronics Sounder
Sirena Exterior HONEYWELL™ de Alta Potencia EN54/3//HONEYWELL™ High Power Outdoor EN54/3 Sounder
Sirena Exterior KAC®//KAC® Outdoor Sounder